
Nioga Library System
The Nioga Library System serves twenty-one public libraries in the following three counties: Niagara, Orleans and Genesee. A Nioga member with a valid library card can access their account online, place a hold on a certain title, and have access to borrow materials from the participating libraries in the Nioga System.
Library Card:
Library Cards are issued to residents of Genesee, Orleans, and Niagara counties. You must present a picture ID with name and current street address to apply for a card.
Inter-Library Loan Policy
As a member of the NIOGA System we will make every effort to fill requests from other members immediately unless there is a waiting list for the material. If we borrow a book or other materials from NIOGA or other libraries, we will honor the circulation rules of the lending library if they differ from our own.
Loan Periods
Three week loan period for all materials except DVDs. DVDs are loaned for one week. All items may be renewed by phone by calling 585 948-9900, in person or through your online account. Please have your library card number and/or material barcode available when calling the library.
Materials may be requested by phone or through your online account.
Overdue Fees
Materials are discharged off patron library cards using last business day open. We have a drop box located in front of the library if the materials are dropped off after hours that evening, overdue fees will not apply.
Printed Materials
Minimum Fine: 10 cents per day (per item)
Lost item: Replacement Cost
Minimum Fine: $1.00 per day (per item)
Lost: Replacement Value